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Internet MarketingBlog

Native Advertising Strategies for Positive Impact on Buyers

By March 7, 2014 No Comments

Native Advertising Strategies for Positive Impact on Buyers

The newly coined term ‘Native Advertising’ pertains to the practice of assorting to high quality content enhanced ads as a major marketing and media promotion that eliminates the use of unnecessary pop up window advertisements. The concept is gaining overwhelming response from both the buyers as well as the marketing analysts considering this sort of high end strategy as an important milestone in the history of online advertising methodologies. As opposed to the misleading and disruptive ads in the past, this new form of product promotion practice is ideal for mobile ads to throw a lasting impact on the customers. Hence this sort of advertising strategy will ultimately benefit both the buyers as well as the brand owners as they will be able to derive best ROI from such steps.

Native Advertising Strategies for Positive Impact on Buyers

Magnificent Native Advertising Strategies

Here are some essential best practices and strategies employed by the companies implementing native advertising for reaching out to their prospective customers:

• Promoted Tweets: Twitter is the most popular microblogging and social media platform where potential customers tend to search for product information. This is where people their preferred brands as well as seek information in emerging similar product info on other brands. The native advertising explores this opportunity to post Promoted Tweets of 140 characters that are interesting and informative too.

• Sponsored Contents Placed by Brands: This is one of the most important strategies assorted by the brand owners who place their ads next to the editorial posts by the publisher. Some advertisers prefer to use these ads for mobile users only. The revenue of the publishers is channelized by the placement of sponsored content.

• Reaching out to the Target Audiences: The native advertisers unlike the traditional advertising forms do not explore bulk advertising scattering ads all over the internet on several websites. Now the approach is different involving tracking and analysis system to find the destinations where the audiences actually are involved with their activities. This is also the destination chosen to place the ads.

• Innovative Expression: The conventional advertising messages do not appeal to the customers anymore. Hence the SEO professionals are developing innovative and fresh quality content based advertising on the major platforms where they can meet the target audiences. Hence, you can find customized and creative

• Elimination of Misleading Contents: This is the most honest form of SEO strategy that has for long been and would always be considered white hat strategy. Advertising and promotion are all about bonding and developing relationships with the brand. Hence fooling around is strictly forbidden and forms the main essence of native advertising strategies that aims to provide true quality and expression of the product to extend as much information as possible.

Native advertising has added a whole new dimension to the world of mobile advertising systems. The growth of Smartphone users and their preference of the device for surfing the internet is an important factor of consideration for every business owner to expand their establishment. Maintaining valuable content and positive publicity strategies is a revolution in the mobile and online advertising spectrum.

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