Want to capture readers for your content? Of course you do!
Content is still the number one tool for spreading the word about your brand and selling your product. It is your weapon as you fight for a presence in the online world.
So, what should you do? Here is a quick snapshot of the top tips for creating sell-worthy content:
Let’s dive a little deeper into each of these points.
Understand the Psychology of Busy Readers
The first thing a reader does when he comes across your article is scan it. If it makes a good impression and seems to have what he is looking for, he will stay and give it a second look.
To win over scan-readers, pay special attention to the visual aspects of your post. Headlines, colors and graphics should tell the story. Bullet point lists will likely be read first, also. Think of your text as additional to these, NOT vise versa!
When we write posts for Gbox, we follow this rule religiously! EVERY header of our posts has a graphic with an annotation. The annotation provides a quick wrap up of what the content is saying in that section.
This way, if a reader scans our blog and follows just the graphics and headings, she will “get the point.”
Some people scan articles and share them without even reading the text, so make sure you aim to catch the eye of your busy, visual audience.
Create a Top-Heavy Masterpiece
In journalism, writers follow the “inverted pyramid writing style.” Yes, content created for an online audience is a different beast, but this is one strategy that can and should be adapted.
The concept is simple. Pack your most compelling, important information at the beginning of your article. The intro is your hook, and the whole first page should tell the reader that he or she is getting something unique, interesting or valuable from you.
Sell-worthy content follows this pattern. You can’t wait until the end to win your potential customers over! They should be sold the entire time they’re reading.
Quality, Quantity and More
All this talk about getting to the point, being more visual than textual and expecting readers to scan read might lead you to believe we are about to tell you that less is more.
Not always.
Many of the most shared online articles are long form. This is true for formal publications like The Guardian as well as for blog sharing sites like BuzzFeed. In fact, BuzFeeds most shared articles in 2015 have been over 3000 words!
However, short posts like individual picture lists have more viral potential. The catch-22 is that these are hit or miss, while long format articles tend to do well consistently.
So what format should you follow? Well, sometimes you can do both! While you may not want to bank on your Slideshares or picture list posts, they’re a great addition to your article.
With the Gbox blog pictured below, we first created an article and then followed it up with a Slideshare version.
And your number one rule? Just make sure that you are focused on QUALITY. Consider your audience, your topic, and the goal of your article when you are choosing a length and format for your content.
The “Ones”
Sell-worthy content needs to make one main point, to one audience, for one goal. All of the information and text given should support that.
- What is the goal of your content?
- Who is the audience?
Don’t begin without knowing the answers to the above questions!
You may have multiple niches within your target audience, but it is important that you write for just ONE of them. The reader should feel as if you are addressing him directly. When he feels this way, he is more likely to convert.
Look Them in The Eye
Even though you don’t get to see your readers, you should talk to them as if you do. Why? Because a conversational tone goes a long way to connect with the reader, keep her attention and earn a conversion.
People want to buy from people, so don’t forget to remain human as you create your content. Converse with the reader in your mind as you write, and you’ll automatically avoid a lot of mistakes writers commonly make.
Sometimes it’s appropriate to use the word “I,” and you should absolutely use the powerful word, “you!”
Here are some other tips for a conversational, simple tone:
- Write short paragraphs (about three sentences each)
- Avoid long sentences (if you have more than three commas, rethink it)
- Always check for unnecessary words (and delete them!)
- Delete redundant info (readers are smart enough to get it the first time)
- Avoid over-used jargon (keep it unique, interesting and/or new)
- Speak directly to your reader (words like “you” and “your” are your friends)
Writing sell-worthy content is all about providing something eye catching that gets the point across quickly and focuses on quality rather than quantity.
Long posts do well, and it’s great if you write them! Just make sure that you convey your “one goal” and reach your “one audience” immediately, in a way that is understandable. Your conversions happen quickly – don’t miss them!
Now get creating! Oh and don’t forget to keep in touch with us on Facebook and Twitter.